Organisational Development

Corporate Culture, Agile Organisation & Change Management

Organisations are facing increasing challenges: you need to be faster, more flexible and more innovative in order to meet the challenges of digital transformation and the VUCA world. VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Pragmatically speaking: a world that is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.

At Agamus we support you in the transformation of your existing structures, ways of thinking and working in the company. We have a profound organizational know-how regarding methods and models, such as Design Thinking and SCRUM, which we provide for you to actively involve your employees in the change process. We are aware of the sensitivity of organizational changes and therefore are using the success factors of change management in our implementation.

We think Organizational Development can be summarized as following topics:corporate culture, agile organization and change management.

Main topics

Corporate Culture

If you want to act successfully in the digital age, you have to deal with your own culture. Businesses should have a clear understanding, which way of thinking and behaving they have and which values prevail in them. One thing is certain: digital transformation can only succeed if the employees and the company management work together towards the same goal. The enterprise system must therefore be rethought in many areas.

Agile Organization

The half-life of the classical organisational stucture and process organisation is falling. More and more, a modern corporate management is needed, whose foundation is a strategic and agile organization that can meet the demands of dynamic project environments, integration or the parallel world of existing and innovative business models and networking.

Change Management

Communication, leadership and motivation are the decisive factors in making the change process positive when it comes to a future-oriented organizational adaptation. The active involvement of employees and communication is a key factor in the success of change.

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